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H E A L T H + B E A U T Y + F I T N E S S 


H I G H  S C H O O L  W O R K S H O P S 



Clean eating for a clear and focused mind

Yoga for stress relaxation and fitness 

Natural skincare techniques 

Importance of routine - study and down time 

Basic makeup for weekend and formals

Confidence skills for social events 

Dressing for confidence and style 

H E A L T H + F I T N E S S + F O C U S 

W E L L B I E N G    F O R    B O  Y  S 

Tailored to the needs and expectations of high school boys.

Insights and skills from  a professional sports manager and Iron Man.


Developed by two well respected female industry mentors

Jane Morley and Sally Lydia Paech.

These inspiring women have combined decades of lifestyle, fashion and wellbeing knowledge to create a practical and empowering series of lectures and workshops for high school girls and boys.

Participants learn techniques for fitness and relaxation, self care, confidence  and personal style. And and how to create a healthy diet and lifestyle to help them perform at their best physically and mentally and emotionally for years to come. 

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